A recognized knowledge broker, Triad Services focuses on different modes of communication and organizes several training and discussion activities for resources of the customer contact centre industry.

Communities of practice

Based on a closed group exchange model, our communities of practice provide best practice presentations and hands-on tools with service providers specialized in assisting customer contact centres.

Team leaders meeting

Your supervisors are the message carriers for your business objectives. They are also the transmitters of information from your employees and customers. These development sessions will help them expand their skills and improve their performance.

Training workshops

We offer a variety of workshops for CCC agents, managers and support staff. Topics range from quality management to customer approach and agent coaching methods.

Manager’s forums

Triad Services occasionally organizes meetings to introduce participants to new concepts in customer relation management or to discuss a case study that promotes the implementation of best practices.

Our 3 communities of practice:

  • Human resources

    Covers the complete workforce aspect of running a CCC, from recruitment to training, and incorporating new personnel management techniques in the digital age.

  • Technology

    Includes the CCCs’ development through new technologies, artificial intelligence, digitalization of training, and changes in planning and quality assurance following the advent of robots and new management tools.

  • Operations

    Looks at performance management in CCCs, indicators, and new organizational and planning methods developed in Quebec and around the world.